on the docket
brief. duty (and sleep) calls.

from top left:
margiela, margiela, acne, acne, ld tuttle, sven/no.6 (considering these in the over knee version. thoughts?)
will be attempting a purchase of at least one of these for this season. realizing i am gravitating more and more toward a very grey palette. i have been searching madly on ebay for a black boot, but having not found any that assuage the deep, dark obsession that have come from seeing these in e-shops and blogger boot collections for the past 2 years, i have decided to cave and save. am i just mad? plus, i love the aggressive softness of grey. it's like making a very quiet statement. but boldly so. what say you? is it true that one should invest in a pair of sturdy (cheap?) black boots to stomp around in? or go for what's great. i'm trying to avoid suede this go round for more practical wear, but definitely am smitten by the soft color and fabric...oooo0000oooo.
anyhoo, i have convinced the boy to go with me downtown (again) tomorrow to try on a pair of the clog boots in person. he finds them hideous and trendy (he admitted tonight that before deciding firmly that a woman is attractive, he looks at her shoes first<-----HOT...gay?). am hoping that my shapely calves and rounded thighs will dazzle him in shearling (BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA). will let you know how that turns out ici.
more of a possibility (cheaper):

from top left:
margiela, margiela, acne, acne, ld tuttle, sven/no.6 (considering these in the over knee version. thoughts?)
will be attempting a purchase of at least one of these for this season. realizing i am gravitating more and more toward a very grey palette. i have been searching madly on ebay for a black boot, but having not found any that assuage the deep, dark obsession that have come from seeing these in e-shops and blogger boot collections for the past 2 years, i have decided to cave and save. am i just mad? plus, i love the aggressive softness of grey. it's like making a very quiet statement. but boldly so. what say you? is it true that one should invest in a pair of sturdy (cheap?) black boots to stomp around in? or go for what's great. i'm trying to avoid suede this go round for more practical wear, but definitely am smitten by the soft color and fabric...oooo0000oooo.
anyhoo, i have convinced the boy to go with me downtown (again) tomorrow to try on a pair of the clog boots in person. he finds them hideous and trendy (he admitted tonight that before deciding firmly that a woman is attractive, he looks at her shoes first<-----HOT...gay?). am hoping that my shapely calves and rounded thighs will dazzle him in shearling (BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA). will let you know how that turns out ici.
more of a possibility (cheaper):
ndc is well known for their quality.
i have dodged them for their hefty prices. may invest in these. what say you, ladies? plunge? or save for the big....4 above.
i think these would be fantastic for year round wear. am looking for something to complement my darker fall wardrobe and supplement my boot collection. my fryes are quite heavy and really not fun for fall. these, however, i may actually sole so that i can wear them until it snows. at which point one of the shearling options may be more palatable for the slush. that, or a pair of hunting boots.
oh, and thanks for all the feedback on that hat. totally looked like the pied piper today. straight hair def has its benefits, but am already missing my curly hair. as are you, it seems! got new products. can't WAIT to try them out, but my friend doesn't want me to wash my hair just yet.
0_0 <---fave new expression, as it's basically a keyboarded version of the following:
good night, my pets.
Labels: BLOG MOVE, shoes, shopping list
I've always loved those Acne Pistol boots. Gray is such a nice color, but most of my pants are black and I'm hesitant to "break the line" with a light color, if that makes sense. Have you checked yoox? They have some NDC pieces on there. Also, Barneys still has sales stuff on the website, but not in store. They have a good return policy though, even on sale stuff, so if you see something on the site it might be worth it.
Also, I saw this Henry cuir bag in the latest Barneys catalog and thought of you, you trendsetter you ;-)
i must admit to having a strong desire for gray boots too. but with this shopping diet, i am rethinking it. definitely on the hunt for flat black boots...have you looked at michael kors at all?
On occasion I get tunnel vision about a certain item, and it becomes the only thing I can imagine buying. Right now it's over-the-knee boots, so... yeah. Check out Nine West. Their Boutique 9 line has a gorgeous black suede tall boot. It's $200 so potentially you could get another pair of boots.
Like the boy, I'll reserve judgement on the clog boots until I see them on you. And grey is awesome, especially for boots. I don't see nearly enough grey boots.
I have loved the LDs for so long. Did not know that revolve carried them OR that they ever went on sale. Just concerned that they won't be long enough for my tastes. Now that I've got the new boots, I think the NDCs are gonna take a backseat while I try to make my decision re: the taller boot since the short ones are pretty generic in the city thus far. I have a sick obsession with fryes already, lol.
There were a pair of acne pistol look alikes in the window at No. 6 but I was so caught up with shearling that I barely had time to take a look. They also had a rather Frye-ish look about them (though I know they weren't) so I walked away unbothered. I really like NDC's stuff but have not really pursued yoox lately as I've had very specific interests of late, as you can see. And re: the trendsetting, HA! That bag is absurdly expensive. I got both of mine for less that $60 combined. I love Henry Cuir...but that price point is bananas!
STICK TO YOUR DIET! I'm not fooling around here. I'm also totally on board with a bronxite exchange. Gimme a time and place and I'll be there, garbage bags in hand, lol. I kinda hate Michael Kors as a designer so...nope, have not looked into his stuff. Anything good?
@stylized hysteria:
I'm now obsessed with grey everything, as you will see soon. I think living in NYC I have seen quite a bit of black and very little in the way of grey. I think it's such a sweet color that gets nowhere near enough play. I will see what I can do re: saving my pennies for the grey tall boot and I'll also invest some time in taking shots of my new brown boots. It really was a tough call at the store. Poor saleslady was having a hell of a time. She laughed her butt off when I finally said, 'FUCK IT I'LL TAKE THEM'.
I'd say splurge for a good pair of boots that will last a long time. I've been eyeing the knee length acne pistols boots for a long long time but I never see it them in my size in us online stores. Anyways, I love the comment about your guy looking at shoes before anything else! I think that's HOT! lol!
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